Friday 5 April 2024

Yesterday the “3-Body Problem”. Today the 3-H Problem: Hamas, Hezbollah... and... the HOUTHIS! Iranian proxies all

Click above for the video 
Like many of us, I guess, I didn’t know much about the Houthis until recently, not even that they were named after an actual guy. 

I still don’t know much, but the above vid gives a pretty good. From Vox, a Left-wing media. 

The Houthis are Shia, in a mainly Sunni state, but now control most of the population and are busily bombing international shipping in the Red Sea. 

They are supported by the biggest sponsor of terror in the Middle East, the mullahs of Iran. Not the Iranian people, mind, especially not the women, who so bravely resist the theocracy. But the black-turbaned, theocratic regime of elderly, bearded, islamist, jihadist, nutters, all-fire bent on bringing their own Islamic version of hell to the whole of the Middle East. And to the world. “Death to America” their battle cry. Supporters of the Houthis. 

The Houthis are the mullah’s handmaidens. 

Note: 350,000 people killed in Yemen’s civil war, including 100,000 children. Odd, isn’t it, that we’ve heard zero about this. Nothing. Just Muslims kill Muslims. As in Syria. Niente (as Francesca Albanese, the UN “Rapporteur” on the Middle East would fail to note).