Alex Lo has been unmasked for the NPC he really is.
The most distilled version of "I hate Israel".
Let’s follow its logic.
First, immediate “ceasefire”. Ok. What then? Does Israel get to attack Rafah to wipe out the remainder of Hamas, most of which are its more hardened fighters, and includes its remaining leadership? Is that what could happen? Why, no. Because the world would then immediately call “Ceasefire”!
What then? Hamas would declare victory. Because simply surviving, for them, is victory. Then the world would supply vast sums for the rebuilding of Gaza, even more tunnels build by Hamas and then another October 7th, as soon as they can. IOW, nothing different. And of course no movement to a “two-state solution”, so much promoted by China and the west, because Hamas does not want at two-state solution. In short, nothing would change.
How is that a benefit to anyone, Gazan or Israeli?
Better, surely, to wipe out Hamas and begin a path to rebirth of Gazans. Think of Japan post World War 2. They were thoroughly defeated. That formed the basis for Japan to change. Fundamentally. To become a better place for all its people.
Alex Lo repeats the word “genocide” over and over, as if by repeating it, it becomes true. It does not. Israel is not engaged in genocide, no matter what the ICJ, South Africa, or pro-Hamas luvvies say. Any more than Israel is an apartheid state. It is neither of these.
For a different take on what the Israeli Defence Forces, the IDF, are doing in Gaza, see the video of John Spencer, which I posted this morning.
At the site, my comment sitting in moderation:
Francesca Albanese who wrote the UNHRC report is not an independent observer. She is well-known as a someone who denies the legitimacy of the state of Israel (the legitimacy of which was affirmed by the UN itself in 1947), for claiming Israel is an "apartheid state" (it is not) and for alleging Israel is occupying "Palestinian territories" (it does not). "Genocide" is not genocide simply by repeating the word over and over. If Israel had wanted genocide it would already have destroyed Gazan population. Instead the number of Gazans has increasedfiveeight-fold since 1947. And double since Israel withdrew from there in 2005. It is even now working on ways to remove civilians from Rafah. Some “genocide"!
And, in response to this post by @Jing L: The demographic of the region is not in favour of Israel. Once a political solution becomes further remote, the legitimacy of its state will be in question. Forever war is not the solution…
@Jing L. "The demographic of the region is not in favour of Israel". So the Jews should pack up and leave?
"Once the political situation becomes further remote...". Like what, the "two-state solution" that Hamas, PA, PLO have rejected since 1940?
"Legitimacy of its state will be in question". Why, exactly? Because the Nazis of Hamas say so? Because bien-pensants say so?
"Forever war is not the solution": Tell that to Hamas, how about?