Wednesday 16 September 2009

"I'm a post-modern vegetarian..."

There are heaps of things I just "don't get" and one of them is the current passion for Organic Foods. Seems to me that they're too expensive, that their yields are way lower than crops grown non-organically, that they're not really healthier, that, in short, they're a marketing con. I read somewhere a while back, but I don't have time to reference it right now -- you just have to take my word for it:  that one would have to eat a whole truck load of cabbage grown non-organically, to show any effects at all, and even then the effects would be minor. Think about it: China aside, when was the last time you fell ill from the chemicals in a vege?
Thinking about this as I read that the Dr Norman Borlaug died last Saturday , 12th September. He was 95, the father of the "Green Revolution" and credited with saving more lives than any other Nobel Laureate, indeed that virtually any other human on the planet. Of course, he was later attacked for having saved hundreds of millions, on the grounds that his inventions meant the world had more people than it would otherwise have had. But think about that for a second: isn't that "thought" spectacularly narcissistic and heartless?
More: I wondered if Dr Borlaug had come up with his Green Revolutionary crops today, would he be allowed to spread them into the poor countries that most benefited them? Or would the likes of Balmy Prince Charley and the comfortable urban green cohort stop it, just as they're trying to stop --  successfully in Europe and the UK -- the spread of GM crops?
And another thing I don't get: why some people -- I know some -- are vegetarians on "ethical" grounds because they don't want us to be "cruel" to animals, but they'll eat fish, which is far more endangered than our local Jersey or Shorthorn.
Bill Bailey puts it into perpective in the clip below. "I'm a vegetarian", he says. "I'm not strict. I eat fish. And duck. Well, they're nearly fish, aren't they..... And pigs, cows, sheep, anything that lives near the water. I'm a post-modern vegetarian; I eat meat ironically."
Watch it all, it's great!  His giant breaking a twig, hilarious!

BTW: did you note at the very end how Bill touches on something that relates to the relativistic bunkum that one sometimes hears: ie, Hitler, Mao and Stalin were atheists but look what they did -- in "answer" to the observation that god and religion have much to answer for in the world history of violence.  It wasn't their atheism that made them act as they did.  Hitler was a vegetarian and look what he did!
[Cartoon: courtesy "The"]