Sunday 17 August 2014

Who's responsible for these anti-Semitic attacks? Give me one guess... ('s Islam)

Rod Liddle in the Speccie, in top form again... "It's ok to mention anti-semitic attacks, but not who commits them".
Interesting that the Owen Jones Guardian article to which Rod refers has 3,000+ comments, but it was only some way down the comments that someone mentioned Islam was the reason for the bulk of anti-semitism in the UK and Europe....
Owen Jones himself, as Rod notes, doesn't even mention Islamic antisemitism.  Ironic, given that the title of the post is "Anti-Jewish hatred is rising -- we must see it for what it is".  Except that Jones doesn't see the single most important cause....
Many of his commenters call his article "brave".  What's "brave" precisely, in noting a clear and rising phenomenon.  It would have been brave, perhaps, if Jones had indeed seen anti-jewish hatred for what it is.... a manifestation of increasing Islamisation of the UK and Europe and the latest in long-standing anti-semitism in Islam. For which read Bostom's carefully researched and referenced "The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism".
Later: I'm just listening to BBC Worldservice radio: they note the increasing antisemitic phenomenon.  They say it comes as much from the "far right" as from "certain sectors in the Muslim community".  Actually, no.  It's Islamic, stupid....