Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Hong Kong in the Great Game

USS Ronald Reagan in Hong Kong harbour, October 2017
Tall building: the International Commercial Centre in Kowloon
The USS aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, the largest in the US fleet, was in Hong Kong harbour 4-6 October, and I've just got around to posting the photo, cause I like it and I'd forgotten about it, and was about to delete it in housekeeping, but thought better to post it before deleting.
I went by the Ronald Reagan on the way to town on our ferry from Discovery Bay, Hong Kong, to Central, while she was here. But no way we could be that close.  If only!  That photo above is by China's press agency Xinhua.
This is all part of the Great Game, as China wants to show Little Rocket Man, North Korea's Kim Jong-un, that China is with the United States, so watch out.
Things since have got a bit more tense, but still neither side, neither the US, nor North Korea, is prepping its forces.
Fingers crossed; toes too.... a fight in this part of the world between US and NK would be a disaster, plain and simple.
The only way forward seems to be to treat it as we did the Soviet Union in the Cold War: contain and deter.