Friday 26 April 2019

“The Chinese Anzacs: to fight for Australia, they had to fight racism first” | SCMP

Another nice story on Australia-China relations. After the one of a different Peter married to a different Beijinger, with a live-in mother-in-law doing a garden makeover, a story I posted the other day. 
Some crappy comments to this nice story. One comment saying that the Chinese Australians "fought in the wrong side", they should have fought with the German-Turkish Axis, because the Ottomans "never sold opium to China". 
Right. It was the Ottomans who took the cover of WWI to commit the world's first genocide.  The word "genocide" was invented to describe what these Ottomans did — namely kill 1.5 million Christian Armenians. And then to lie about it, to deny they did it, right down until today. Today it's a crime to even mention the Armenian genocide in Erdogan's Turkey. 

Read the rest …