Thursday 13 June 2019

China’s Million New Dissidents - The Wall Street Journal.

It's not easy to turn a mil­lion pros­per­ous peo­ple into po­lit­i­cal dis­si­dents. But that's what China might have pulled off in Hong Kong.
Or­ga­niz­ers say more than a mil­lion peo­ple poured into the ter­ri­tory's streets on Sunday 9th June to march against an amend­ment to the law be­ing rammed through the leg­isla­tive coun­cil, or LegCo. The amendment would al­low ex­tra­di­tion to China. Every marcher un­derstands the con­sequence: China would have the power to go af­ter crit­ics in Hong Kong by hav­ing them arrested there and then brought to the mainland for trial and imprisonment.