Wednesday 18 August 2021

What does Sharia Law say about women?

Veiling is mandatory for women under Sharia Law
We watched the first Taliban press conference in Kabul last night and jolly affair it was, too! 

On the status of women under the new Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, we were assured by a suave Talib spokesman, whose name I didn't catch, that women would enjoy full rights "consistent with Sharia Law".

This led to much head scratching by the commentariat after the show. It could be this, or it could be that. It might be strict; it might not, they opined.

So, as a public service I'd like to repeat below a post I did back in 2012 titled "What Sharia says about women". This is not me speaking. It's the summary of Sharia law as it relates to women, taken from the single most authoritative source of Islamic Jurisprudence, The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law,  with a stamp of approval from the Al-Azhar University of Cairo, which is a world authority on sharia law. 

The Manual is for Sunni Islam, the branch followed by the Taliban.

I'm not saying that his is how the Taliban will determine the treatment of women. I'm just saying that if they do indeed follow Islamic Law to the letter, then this it pretty much what it will look like for women in the new Afghanistan. We've already heard Taliban spokesmen talk of stoning and amputation, both of which are in the Classic Manual.

Anyway, here's a re-postt of the article, first posted on 1 July 2012:

LATER [25 Nov 14]: "Women are not equal to men": Turkish PM.  They must be mothers, because that's in Islam.
LATER [10 Jul 13]: What does the Koran say about Women  [Internet archive]
Below references from The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, the authoritative reference of Islamic jurisprudence. While it is for Sunni Islam, it applies in large part also for Shia Islam. The references in brackets are to the Amanda Publications edition linked above.

Women must sit at the back of a mosque
“When there are men, boys and women present, the men form the front row or rows, then the boys, and then the women.” (f12.32)

Women may not wear wigs
Allah curse women who wear false hair, or arrange it for others….” (p59.0)

Women must undergo FGM preferably as girls
“Circumcision is obligatory for both men and women.” (e4.3)

Women may not institute divorce:
“Divorce is valid from any:
(a) husband
(b) who is sane
(c) has reached puberty
(d) and who voluntarily effects it" (n1.1)

PF Comment: for the travails of Muslim women in Australia seeking divorce in Sharia courts, see “Divorce in Oz, Muslim Style

Women may not leave home without husband’s permission
“Remain in your homes and do not display your beauty as women did in the pre-Islamic period of ignorance (Koran 33.33)” (p42.2(4))
PF Comment: by Khalil Nahlawi says that “it is a condition for the permissibility of her going out that she take no measures to enhance her beauty, and that her figure is concealed or altered to a form unlikely to draw looks from men or attract them.”
“A woman may not leave the city without her husband or a member of her unmarriageable kin accompanying her…” (m10.3)
“It is not lawful for a wife to leave the house except by the permission of her husband…” (m10.12(2))

PF CommentThese are the Sharia provisions that so restrict women in places like Saudi Arabia, which has the Koran as its State Constitution (literally!).  That they’ve been able to loosen some of these restrictions on women, against the objections of Islamist fundamentalists, speaks presumably to some clever manipulation of qualifications such as Khalil Nahlawi’s above.

Women may not lead men in prayer:
“It is not permissible to follow an imam who is… a woman leading men…” (f12.27)
PF Comment: of course Islam is not unique in this prohibition, which holds for various strands of Christianity, and some other religions, as well.

Pretty or young women may not go to a mosque:
“It is offensive for an attractive or young woman to come to the mosque to pray, though not offensive for women who are not young or attractive when this I unlikely to cause temptation.” (f12.4)

Women not entitled to husband’s support if they do not allow sex at any time:
‘The husband is only obliged to support his wife when she gives herself to him or offers to, meaning that she allows him full enjoyment of her person and does not refuse him sex at any time of the night or day.” (m11.9)

Indemnity for death of a woman is half that of a man:
“The indemnity for the death or injury of a woman is one-half the indemnity paid for a man.” (o4.9)

Women may not take leadership positions in Islam:
“… the leadership of a woman being invalid because of the rigorously authenticated hadith…” (o25.3 (d))

Men should not listen to women:
“Men are already destroyed when they obey women.” (p28.1)

A husband may beat his wife if she is “rebellious”:

“If she commits rebelliousness, he keeps from sleeping with her without words, and may hit her, but not in a way that injures her, meaning he may not break bones, wound her or cause blood to flow.” (m10.12)
Women must allow sex to their husbands whenever they wish:
“It is obligatory for a woman to let her husband have sex with her immediately when he asks her…” (m5.1)

Women must be veiled:
“A majority of scholars have been recorded as holding that it is unlawful for women to leave the house with faces unveiled, whether or not there is likelihood of temptation. (m2.3)

Girls may be married off by their fathers:
“When the father or father’s father see that the best advantage is to be served by marrying a young boy (or girl) to someone, they may do so, though they are not entitled to marry the child to someone with a physical defect.” (m4.4)

PF Comment: see my post on Child Brides in Islam.

Muslim women may not marry a non-Muslim man:
“It is not lawful or valid for a Muslim woman to be married to anyone besides a Muslim. (m6.7(5))
(An example of this in action in Sudan)

Are the any positives in Islamic Sharia  for women?
A few:
Men should protect women if they are being attacked (o7.2)
Women may wear gold jewellery (f17.11)
Women may alert an imam to an error of omission by clapping her hands. (f9.4)
Wives should get sex every four nights, if she wants it (m5.2)
A husband should treat his wife well (m10.1)
A husband should provide for his wife (m11)
A woman is not punished for fornication if she is pregnant (o12.5-6). 
PF Comment:: Note, however, that she is to be punished after she gives birth and the provision sets out details of the type of whip to be used…