Wednesday, 16 February 2011

BBC Blasts Baleful Buggery Barbarity in Bugiri

Interviews in the streets of Uganda's capital Kampala by the BBC radio, yesterday, reveal shocking malevolence towards homosexuals in Uganda.  Many people were interviewed.  The interviewer said he was expecting antipathy to homosexuality, but not the level of vitriol, which was universal. Not a single interviewee showed any tolerance of homosexuality.  Quite an attitude for a country that has a major town called "Bugiri" just east of Kampala...

The least the average interviewee called for was for jailing of homosexuals.  Many want them executed.  

The interviewer? The aptly named Mr Allcock....

Aptly?  Towards the end of one interview --  during which the interviewee had praised a new Ugandan law calling for compulsory jailing of homosexuals, and execution (!) of repeat offenders --  Allcock revealed that he was himself gay. End of interview, in some disarray.