Sunday 17 December 2023

Doonesbury: “Witch Hunt”

This is a curious strip today.

We know that Garry Trudeau is violently anti Trump and anti-GOP. So, presumably the strip today is meant to be making fun of Republicans who call the Trump court cases a "witch hunt". That's the Left's take on the strip today, we must assume. Those crazy far-rightists! Even legitimate court cases are "witch hunts" to them! Silly, silly Nazis! 

But conservatives will look at this cartoon — if they ever come near Doonesbury — and think "yeah, right! That's just how it is! A full- on witch hunt!"  Spot on!

Which of course it is. Even the occasional article in the New York Times calls the cases "weak gruel". 

The worst of the lot is the case brought by Latitia James the New York DA, and a punchline to the strip above — "Black DA, female … or both?". Tish: Black and a woman! It’s wrong

"Tish" James should be prosecuted for judicial malpractice. I reckon. She campaigned on "Get Trump" — campaigned! — then spent four years looking for a crime, and found a completely bogus one which she is now prosecuting. Surely it can't be right in the U.S. legal system to announce you're literally going after a named person? Instead of what it should be: namely, (a) there's a crime committed (b) look for the perpetrator.  And if it's allowed, it ought not.

New York DA James is exactly following Beria, Stalin's hated head of the Secret Service who said "show me the man and I'll show you the crime."  Give me Donald Trump and I'll Get Trump!

But they won't let it go, the Dems, because by fair means or foul they must stop the Orange Man. Who is currently so far up in the polls that any crime pinned on him will do. And if that doesn't work, will they go for the big A? 

Anyway: today's Doonesbury is one for the ages, pleasing and playing to the priors of both parties. A bipartisan cartoon.