Wednesday 10 April 2024

Tik Tok China

One very good reason for America to be concerned about China ownership of Tik Tok: the fact that the United States have rules governing the overseas ownership of traditional media. The Press and the TV stations are regulated. Australia’s Rupert Murdoch had to become an American citizen to maintain control of his media in the US. 

Why should social media be any different? Especially now that they are even more widespread and influential than the legacy media. 

That aside, it’s clear that Tik Tok tik-toks to China's drumbeat. See above. All the subjects that are sensitive in China are suppressed on T-T. 

The corollary is that China can also push things that it wants to. This issue of suppressing or pushing is way more significant than the most-often mentioned concern, about the security of data. It’s way more important that China can heat up or cool off subjects it wants to. China makes use of the US openness against the US.