Nobel winner in Economics, Angus Deaton has changed his mind on three major things:
1. Trade Unions. Now thinks better of them. My view on this: depends in the union. In the U.S. the Teachers Union is a backward force.
2. Free Trade. Now thinks it's often been damaging. Talks of the "China shock": cheaper consumer goods good for the elite, but disemploy the working class. Unequal and unfair outcomes. My view: inclined to agree, though tariffs probably not the best solution.
3. Mass Immigration. Now thinks some is good but too much — like now in the U.S. — is bad. Mainly for working class by depressing wages. My view: agree. Control immigration and secure borders. This used to be Democrat Party policy until two minutes ago. See Bill Clinton here in 1995. He sounds like a Republican today, doesn’t he?