Click above for Peter Whittle vid |
The British "grooming gangs" are better described as "
rape gangs", for that it what they are. The limp word "Grooming" just doesn't cut it to describe an epidemic of widespread rape of English girls. Widely reported. Widely ignored.
What it has been, for over 20 years, and ignored for over 20 years, is the systematic abuse and rape of young English girls, by gangs of mostly Pakistani Muslim men.
It's these rape gangs that the British political class has studiously avoided prosecuting. Shamefully ignored by both Labor and Tories. They all felt -- we are asked to believe and accept -- that taking action might lead to "racial tensions" and imperil the big multicultural project started by Tony Blair.
Blair promised (perhaps "threatened" would do better) that he would "rub our noses" in multiculturalism. He certainly achieved that.
He and his subsequent acolytes are bent on turning the United Kingdom into something other than the United Kingdom. Something other that the Britain of tradition, beloved for centuries, the land of history, of industry, of worldwide impact, of development and civilisation. This "green and pleasant land". No, all this was to change, and if anything imperilled this change, this big project -- something as trivial, say, as the "different Islamic cultural norms" in treating young girls -- then it must be suppressed, in the name of the Big Project, of the Big Change, of Becoming Global, of Being Multicultural.
A land of "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" was envisaged. Except the result has been widespread crime, pressure for Sharia law to be adopted by the world's oldest common law system, despoiling, degrading, criminalising city centres, throughout Britain. And of course rape gangs. Some reports are that as many as 50 British cities have active rape gangs. To this day.
Repeat after me: "Diversity is our strength".
The north of England is the epicentre of this wave of rape gangs -- most infamously in the heavily Muslim city of Rotherham -- "grooming" young English girls, as young as 10, to be raped by gangs of men, virtually all of them Pakistani Muslims, both immigrant and born in Britain.
But because of the elites' fear of "racist backlash" by the great unwashed English public, they, the politicians, put a lid on it. They squashed it. They suppressed it. Politicians told the Police not to prosecute. Not to investigate, even.
The main guy who brought all this to public attention two decades ago, Tommy Robinson, is now in jail, a classic case of killing the messenger. [I wrote sympathetically about Tommy myself, but mainly he was reviled and exiled, labelled a "far-right Islamophobe". You know, the usual treatment of those who dare to criticise the "Religion of Peace"].
Now, in the New Year, the whole issue gets a light shined on it by Elon Musk. Because he's a dad of 10 children and really, really, roooly cares about safety of children. Good on him. On X (née Twitter) his posts on the rape gangs are welcomed by all. All, that is, who have been desperate to get the government to do something. Including all the young victims and their families. Who have been to now, at best ignored, at worst been jailed themselves for complaining. Shades of Sharia.
Peter Whittle makes a passionate plea for action, in the vid above.
Some other Vids on the subject: