Democrats: The LA wildfires are due to Climate Change. And Mother nature. We did the best we could. Don't criticise/politicise while we're suffering and dealing with the emergency! Bigots!
Republicans: Climate Change didn't cause the wildfires. It was mismanagement. Crazy woke policies and DEI worsened them. Get your act together before we commit federal funds to help. Mismanagers!
It's not coin toss. There's more of one than the other, of these scenarios, which should be clear from the vast amount of coverage. For me the bottom line is: given that Climate Change has made things worse, then the mitigation measures -- forest & scrub management, water storage, equipment availability -- need to be all the more. Yet they were, by all accounts, even on the Dems side, less.
Of the many pods, this one is one of the best: Michael Shellenberger, talking to John Papola. Links below. Michael knows a lot about the issues from the ground up. Has written books about it. Long-term resident of CA. Was candidate for governor last election, but couldn't beat the huge Dem machine.
Michael's first point, which is also mine: what's needed is a Quick Response Unit. You have to get on top of ignitions as soon as they happen. This was not done in LA.
Shellenberger is a leftie from way back. A Time Magazine "Hero of the Environment". I've read both his main books: Apocalypse Never and San Fransicko. He really does know whereof he speaks. This talk gets into some philosophical discussions in the second half. Like about neo-Marxism, Marcusianism, Gramsciism. About all of which we can read more at Christopher Rufo's America's Cultural Revolution.
On Climate Change: "These fires could have happened without Climate Change. And they need not have happened with Climate Change." The direct cause of these fires: they are ignition events.
Shellenberger talks about the drugs issue and how it's made wildfires more likely. I used to be all in favour of decriminalising drugs. No longer. As a result of seeing what that's done to so many states in America. Worst of all CA. Watch on...
[0:00] Unpacking the official narrative lies [12:49] LA’s systemic failure isn’t just one big coincidence [17:45] The homeless crisis drained the firefighting budget [27:12] Forest management failures aren’t the main story [31:34] Why leftist radicals want to let Malibu burn [42:53] Hollywood elites elected their own oppressors [52:44] White voters in LA are hypnotized by identity politics [59:35] Is the DEI criticism fair or just right-wing opportunism? [1:06:09] Western civilization is sacrificing itself [1:13:42] Did climate change play a role in the fires? [1:22:25] Climate hysteria is a symptom of privilege [1:28:29] Is the woke reign of terror truly over? [1:33:32] Hazing matter for emergency preparedness [1:38:44] Why Michael is optimistic for the future