Thursday, 16 January 2025

Suicidal Emphathy


Examples: Ireland. Germany. Canada. Holland

I realise the above might come across as racist, bigoted, xenophobic, islamophobic. 

My counter:

Gad Saad is a Canadian professor of evolutionary psychology. He's from Lebanon. Where he and his family, Jews, were kicked out by the invading Muslim Palestinians. His parents were held hostage and tortured. He saw Lebanon turn from a secular, tolerant Christian majority country, where Jews lived side-by-side with Muslims, to today's viciously intolerant Muslim majority country where Jews are hounded out or killed. 

Lebanon is just one more in the long line of countries, most in the Middle East and Asia, that were taken over by Muslim imperialism, and are now failing states, riven by violence. All are at the bottom of the United Nations Human Development Report Index. There's a one-to-one correlation between the extent of Islamic influence and the failure of that society. 

What has happened across the Middle East will happen in Europe and the U.K.  We see it in front of our eyes. 

Unless you happen to live in England and you live up in lovely rural Yorkshire. Because Islamists don't visit the countryside. But look at Birmingham, Rotherham, Manchester, Luton, and dozens of other towns, all become English versions of Islamabad. Women are covered. Visiting non-Muslims are expected to do the same. Pubs are shut down. That's what Gad Saad is warning about. And what I have, here in this blog, for 16 years. 

Putting up with this, for the sake of people we feel sorry for, is what Gad Saad calls "Suicidal Empathy". 

I like the phrase. We see it all over, once we look for it. 

At the United States Southern Border, for example. "Imagine there's no countries", sang John Lennon. "... nothing to kill or die for". Except they do. And we do. Suicidal Empathy.