Monday, 24 February 2025

Population decline is happening all over the world | Stephen Shaw

Click above for the video
The main reason is not that women on average are having fewer babies. The main reason is that the number of women who are childless is increasing. The number having one or more children has stayed the same. The number having zero has surged. 

The reason for the increase in childless couples is social. The pressure is on to get a job and have a career. Men and women alike feel they can have children "later'. Just that "later" never happens, or happens suddenly, and then there's no time.  

I'd not heard of Stephen Shaw before. He's speaking above at the recent Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference in London. 

That the world faces a true existential crisis from declining population hasn't really hit the public yet. Elon Musk has been banging on about it for some time. As have I here on this blog. See here

(And as early as 2010, I posted about declining world birth rates: "The end is nigh; don't do anything")