Thursday, 23 February 2017

Donald Trump & Sweden -- Fake News or Real Problem? | National Review

I've written several times and years ago about the troubles Sweden's been having with its large and rapidly-growing immigrant population. Some of them have been pretty sinister: drug gangs, rapes and no-go zones.
This does not stop being true just because Trump mentioned it in a speech in Melbourne, Florida.
Yet the left MSM is all huffy about it. "What problems?" "What crime waves"? "Nothing to see here, please move on."
If these HuffyFolk are genuinely baffled and not just pushing back because it's Trump who raised the issue, then they haven't been paying attention. Or have been paying attention only to the MSM. For it's only the specialist blogs that have reported the problems. Which you can then fact-check for accuracy with Swedish government statistics, as I've done.
Swedish government data confirm the problems assimilating hundreds of thousands of different-culture immigrants into a country of fewer than ten million. A liberal secular population hosting deeply conservative (to say the least) immigrants hewing to resurgent political Islam. Hundreds of thousands into a population less than New York. What could go wrong?
Quite a lot, obviously. Such that even the (in)famously welcoming Sweden has had to slow down the immigration of more people, which recently, in per capital terms, has been more than other country in the world.
The majority have not managed (or don't want) to integrate. No wonder they've got problems. No wonder they've - finally, maybe - woken up.
It may be too late though.