Monday 15 July 2019

Call Iran’s Bluff With an Offer of Nuclear Power - The Wall Street Journal.

Bushehr Nuclear power station, southern Iran, 2010
Some of the drawbacks of the Iranian nuclear deal, and there's more at the link below. 
So Trump could have been getting out of it because it was flawed. And Lindsay Graham, not a T supporter, backed the pull out. Which the British ambassador has called "an act of vandalism" to spite Obama. There's more to it…
Graham has a positive suggestion…
Un­der the Iran nuclear deal, the Joint Com­pre­hen­sive Plan of Ac­tion, the Ira­ni­ans could ramp up quickly and eas­ily from the en­rich­ment lev­els nec­es­sary for peace­ful nu­clear power to lev­els needed to make a bomb. The 10-year sun­set clause al­lowed Iran to go back to en­rich­ing ura­nium at any level.

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