Tuesday 16 July 2019

Defining Politics Down - The Wall Street Journal.

The Squad. Omar, AOC, Tlaib, Pressley 

As I was saying [sigh] … democrats had been doing a fine job of shooting themselves in the foot, what with AOC suggesting Pelosi is a racist, and all. Then along comes T. "Me too!"  Look st me, I'm a bigger racist than you lot!
As Shapiro has repeatedly said, all Trump has to do is shut up and point at the inanities of the Dems. But he can't do it. Even republicans and conservatives can't defend his tweets …
We're op­ti­mists about Amer­i­can democ­racy in the long run, but nowadays the long run looks longer all the time. The bon­fire of inani­ties in the last two days between Don­ald Trump and De­moc­rats over who's the bigger racist, or real anti-Semite, or greater dis­grace to the na­tion is a new low even by re­cent standards.
Mr. Trump started the bon­fire, as he so of­ten does, with a Sun­day Twit­ter bar­rage telling "'pro­gres­sive' De­mo­c­rat Con­gress-women" who are critical of the U.S. to "go back" to the coun­tries from whence they came. He seemed to be tar­get­ing the four hard-left Mem­bers of Congress, all mi­nor­ity women, who've been brawl­ing with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the di­rec­tion of the De­mo­c­ra­tic Party.
Con­ser­v­a­tive jour-nal­ist Brit Hume of-fered a suc­cinct summary in call­ing Mr. Trump's com­ments "na­tivist, xeno­pho­bic, coun­ter­fac­tual and politically stu­pid." Three of the four women were born in the U.S., and "go back" is a taunt im­mi­grants have heard in Amer­ica for more than two cen­turies. It was used against Catholics, against the Irish, Germans and Ital­ians, against Chi­nese and Ja­panese, and in our day most of­ten against Mex­i­can-Amer­i­cans. A Pres­i­dent of the United States shouldn't sink to such a crude na­tivist trope, but then we re­peat our­selves.
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