Tuesday 9 July 2019

“Palestinian Leadership Doesn’t Want a Deal”

Glenn Hub­bard is delusional if he thinks "The Prom­ise Of Trump's Mideast Plan" [1] will be suc­cessful. The Mar­shall Plan worked be­cause the recipients of the aid were will­ing par­tic­ipants. The Pales­tini­ans not only refuse to accept the aid plan but im­prison and ha­rass Arabs willing to lis­ten to the Trump pro­pos­als. The Mar­shall Plan as­sisted capitalist na­tions to re­build af­ter World War II. In the Mid­dle East we are deal­ing with ideology and re­li­gious fa­naticism  far more pow­er­ful than eco­nomic needs. We made this mis­take in Iraq and Pres­i­dent Trump is mak­ing the same mis­take. Many in Is­rael also be­lieve that eco­nomic needs will rule over re­li­gion. The 19 hi­jack­ers on 9/11 were mid­dle- to up­per-class Mus­lims. Poverty didn't mo­ti­vate their at­tack on New York and Wash­ing­ton.
While the eco­nomic con­di­tions in Gaza and the Pales­tin­ian ter­ri­tories are a dis­as­ter, fi­nan­cial as­sistance won't bring peace, and more likely will be used to fuel more ter­ror­ism.[2]