Tuesday 25 February 2020

NYTimes: Putin Would Hate President Bernie Sanders

My comment at the New York Times site, re Michelle Goldberg who has the opposite view to John Hinderaker and me:
Why no mention in the Original Post of current admin's anti-Russia actions?

Trump armed the Ukrainians, re-invigorated NATO by insisting that members take an interest in their own defense; wounded Russia's key ally, Iran; has overseen an expansion and strengthening of American armed forces. He has encouraged fracking and development of U.S. oil and gas resources, which has kept down the global price of oil, and considered sanctions on Russia's Nordstream 2 gas pipeline.

This hurts Russia which is essentially a "heavily armed gas station." Petroleum represents more than 50% of Russia's total exports, and natural gas is its main geopolitical weapon against Western Europe

Further: he has expelled Russian diplomats. sanctioned many Russian officials and oligarchs, all to Putin's deep chagrin.

It puzzles me too that Trump slavers over the likes of Putin. But these actions have hardly been those of a Russian stooge or "conscious Russian asset".