Friday 10 September 2021

Why is it so annoying when people talk on their phones in public?

FaceTiming at Uncle Russ Coffee
Perhaps I ought to ask “why does it annoy me so much.” I’m not so sure it annoys everyone so maybe this is just a grumpy old man thing.  But I suspect not. 

Surrounding me is a roomful of coffee drinkers chatting away, maskless. They don’t annoy me at all.  So why does the FaceTiming woman do so? 

I think I’ve got it. These chatting in person folks are contributing to a gentle burble, a kind of public murmur. If they ever talk about something really private, they naturally and unconsciously lower their voices, bring their heads close together. 

The woman above by contrast, FaceTiming what turns out to be her daughter in Australia, cuts through the chatter. She is so caught up in her bubble that she talks loudly and I hear it all. I don’t want to,but can’t  help it. Was browsing happily against the background burble until that familiar Aussie twang cut through. Of course she didn’t mean it.  That seems to be the nature of talking on the online and even more when FaceTiming. That’s why I long ago resolved never to do that in public. And it always irks me when other people do. That’s why I have no compunction in posting her picture. She intruded on my aural space, so I intrude on her visual.

Anyway, I think that’s it. Because when on the onjne one is much louder than when face-to-face 

That’s why it’s so annoying. To me at least. A GOM.