Thursday 14 July 2022

Wha…? Amazing statement of the year from Fed Chairman

Jerome Powell, Chair of the Federal Reserve said yesterday 

“We now know more about what we don’t know about inflation”. 

So now we’ve gone from unknown unknowns to known unknowns. 

But … but …

People, many people, warned at the time that injecting Trillions — TRILLIONS — of dollars into the economy would be inflationary. Biden &  co ignored or denied this. They went ahead anyway and injected Trillions of boondoggle dollars. Result? … inflation! 

Now, I just got a simple pass degree in Economics, 50 years ago. But even I know that if you inject money into the system you get inflation. It’s Eco 101.


(Though I give this post the label this “hypocrisy”, because Powell must know. He’s gaslighting us).