Thursday 16 February 2023

A Shameful Vote in Virginia | Wall Street Journal

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Virginia De­moc­rats have hit a new low in their bat­tle to keep Gov. Glenn Youngkin from mak­ing good on his prom­ise to give par­ents more say over their chil­dren's ed­u­ca­tion. On Tues­day the De­mo­c­ra­tic Sen­ate voted to re­ject the Gov­ernor's nom­i­nee for the state board of ed­u­ca­tion amid nasty racial insinuations.

Mr. Youngkin's nom­inee is Su­parna Dutta, an In­dia-born woman who confounded the par­ents group at Thomas Jef­ferson High School for Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy. That group ac­cused the high school of aban­doning its merit-based ad­mis­sions stan­dards to re­duce the num­ber of Asian-Amer­i­cans admitted. Ms. Dutta is an en­gi­neer and ad­vo­cate for STEM ed­u­ca­tion. Democrats say she is un­qual­i­fied to serve on the board be­cause she has no back­ground in ed­u­ca­tion. 
What they mean is she dis­sents from progressive ­or­tho­doxy. The vote to kill her nom­i­nation came a week af­ter a heated dis­pute with board mem­ber Anne Holton, Sen. Tim Kaine’s wife. Among Ms. Dut­ta’s “con­tro­ver­sial” re­marks was her crit­i­cism of so­cial­ism and de­fend­ing the De­c­la­ra­tion of In­depen­dence and the Con­stitu­tion. Never mind that Ms. Dutta lived un­der ­socialism in In­dia. More…
I watched the vid of the Dutta-Holton debate. Dutta  knows her stuff and Holton does not. Especially on socialism, as Dutta had lived under socialism in India. Holton knows nothing about it. But Dems supports her because … well, because … socialism Good; and merit-based education Bad. Oh dear.