Thursday 8 June 2023

I remember when Putin said he was attacking Ukraine to rid it of Nazis…

 … and I thought, Huh? I never knew Nazis were a big thing in Ukraine. So it must be an excuse. But then, I didn’t know much about Ukraine. It turns out they really do have a “Nazi Question”. As in, Nazis everywhere. So much so that even the New York Times, great cheerleaders for the war in Ukraine, on the side of the Blue and Yellow, has had to report in them.

And you’d think they’d be pretty upset that we’re supporting a bunch of Nazis. After all, they freak out about MAGA people being “semi-Nazis” and even at the semi level needing to be hunted and imprisoned. And we supported Al Qaeda against Russia in Afghanistan and that didn’t work out too well. But no, not in Ukraine. There they are more of a PR issue. A bit “problematic” perhaps. A bit embarrassing, don’t you know. 

We can hold two things in our minds at the same time: (1) that there are Nazis galore in Ukraine (“problematic”, according to New York Times). And (2) It was wrong of Putin to attack. 

Glenn Greenwald breaks it down