Monday 24 July 2023

"EXPOSING Greenpeace Nuclear Energy LIES Part 2 - Nuclear Physicist DEBUNKS” | Elina Charatsidou

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I’m a big NON-fan of Greenpeace. I’ve been a member of the Australian Conservation Foundation since 1969, shortly after Greenpeace was founded and had planned for many years to join them for the good work they were doing. Then I realised some time later that they were doing the work of the devil. They were going against nuclear power, because they had conflated in their own minds the dangers of nuclear weapons (“nukes”) and nuclear power. They became obsessed with this and successfully scarified the population to stop in its tracks the quick development of nuclear power that would otherwise have happened from the 1970s on. We would by now be carbon free in our electricity production if Greenpace had not existed. 

The founder of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, who led them to successful campaigns to ban nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere and the banning of baby seal slaughter, left the organisation he set up in the 1980s because he was disgusted at the scare tactics they used to campaign against nuclear power. Those tactics they use to this day -- huge banners dropped off bridges, people dressed as skeletons in front of bulldozers, that sort of thing. 

I realised the harm that Greenpeace had done some years ago, and wrote about it, here. I thought I was the only one to realise this. To say something shocking like “the greenies have ruined the planet”. 

But Elena Charatsidou has realised it too. And there are others. Greenpeace has been a net harm to the world*. That’s my conclusion. And they continue to be. 

Part I of Elena’s "Greenpeace Lies" is here.


*ADDED: When I went to Antarctica in 2007 (twice!), I learned of something Greenpeace had done which was an unalloyed good: they campaigned to get rid of all the junk and rubbish the had accumulated at the various Bases. Countries did so, and it was indeed a Good Thing. Had they stuck to that sort of workaday fixing the environment, instead of nuclear scaremongering, the world would be a better place.