Monday, 10 March 2025

Democrats criticise electronic voting machines in 2019!

Then Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Amy Klobuchar,  Senator Ron Wyden (D Oregon). All sounding off in the video above, around 2018 and 2019, about how dangerous and hackable electronic voting machines are. But when that was mentioned in the wake of Biden's win 2020, you're not allowed to mention it, on pain of being labelled an "election denier" or "insurrectionist"! When Fox mentioned it, they were sued and lost a shiteload of money. 

But, video above, it's the Dems saying so, before the Biden win, and saying that there was plenty of evidence for the machines being imperfect and hackable, after "exhaustive studies". 

Imagine that!

The simple way to secure elections is to make them paper-baased and to require ID. Simple. It's what most countries in Europe either always did, or have returned to doing. 

The Dems not requiring ID and (now!) supporting voting machines that we know are hackable has only one explanation: that they plan have people with no IDs voting and to hack the electronic voting machines to sway the election. Just that 2024 turned out to be "too big to rig". 

By the way, I voted in the 2024 US election from here in Hong Kong, despite being (a) not American and (b) having no ID. I went on to a site -- I wrote about it here -- that allows voting in US elections from overseas. When it comes to the ID section, if  you click "I don't have one", it lets you go on. Then it asks you for a voting district, a county, in the US. It's easy to fill in a fraudulent one after five minutes on Google. (I did it)/

I did everything BUT click "Send". I need to be clear here: I did NOT in the end vote! Because I'm a person with morals, and a respect for the law and what's right and wrong. BUT.... It was clear that all I need have done, to vote in the US election from here in Hong Kong is to press "Send" on the form that I got online from a website done by Democrat activists. That's all it would have taken. 

And yet Democrats demand -- demand !-- that we say the election is clean and proper in all ways. At least when they win, like 2020. They're not so sure when the Reps win, like 2016 and 2024. In any case, they demand that we all agree on the perfection of the US election system, when everything else in the United States is to some degree or other either broken or corrupt.