Friday 11 October 2024

I'm Australian but I just registered to vote in the US elections!

My completed application for a Ballot in the US election
which I've redacted some details. I did NOT send this in
I'm Australian living in Hong Kong. I don't have dual nationality. I'm a simple Aussie.

But I registered to get a Ballot to vote in the US election. 

It was super easy. 

To be clear; it was to apply for the Ballot form, which would be sent to me by email. I did not go through the process to actually get the Ballot and to send it in, because that would've made me liable to criminal penalties. But I can imagine that there may be plenty of people out there, beyond the reach of US law, who may be quite happy to go ahead and get the Ballot and to vote however they are paid to do so. 

I Googled "voting in the US from overseas" and got various sites that allow you to apply for a Ballot. I tried two -- "Vote from Abroad" and "US Vote Foundation" . I filled them out -- for the swing state of Pennsylvania --  and got as far as the Affirmation Page, where I was to sign (jpeg of signature was fine!) that I was who I said I was on pain of perjury. At that point I stopped because I didn't want to do anything illegal. All I was doing was to see if it was as easy as I'd heard to register for a Ballot from overseas. And I proved that it was.

And it was quick. It took me only about ten minutes. You could streamline an operation down to minutes per application. 10,000 people in call centres overseas could do 10 million Ballot applications in a week. 


Imagine how many people there may be overseas who would be quite happy to invent names and to Affirm they are who they say they are, and to then get a Ballot. And to fill in the Ballot for whichever Party they've been paid to fill it in for. 

Once you've got the Ballot, you then send it -- by email if you want -- to the County in which you've chosen to vote. 

This is in contrast to Australia. Where I actually am a resident. Last year I wanted to vote in the Voice Referendum. I had to prove that I'd lived in Australia sometime in the last three years. I had to prove it by some form like a Proof of Address, Passport or the like. I couldn't do that, so I couldn't vote. It was way stricter than the US. 

The two US sites I tried couldn't have been easier. 

At first I baulked at the requirement for ID. But I thought, let's try it anyway and maybe I can try to use fake numbers. No need. Because when I got to the end of the form, and there's the ID bit, there's a choice in the drop-down menu: "I don't have an ID at this time". Clicked that and I was good to go!

Next it asked me to Affirm that all I'd filled out was true, on penalty of perjury charges. There I stopped. Because I'd used fake addresses in the US and in Hong Kong, and a fake name. 

But consider this: how easy would it be to find Call Centres in places like the Philippines, India, anywehere in Europe... or just about anywhere really. And to pay them to fill out fake names and addresses and to Affirm and then to email them to the selected County electoral office and to get the Ballot sent back to fake email addresses. 

The Democratic Party has said that it plans to the maximise overseas vote. The two Voter Registration sites I used were both Democrat leaning, even though they claimed to be "non-partisan". What's to stop them doing some funny games as above?

Consider that an audit of the overseas ballots for Georgia in the 2020 election found that they voted 93% Democrat. That's the sort of number you only get in North Korea. Something fishy there.  

Thinking about it, it's not even necessary that this be done from actual real-life overseas as I did. You could just use a VPN in the US and look like you're applying from anywhere overseas. 

Given that it seems the Democrats are on top of this, if the Republicans want to stop it -- or at least match it -- they need to focus on auditing. This probably needs to be done at the County level, asking to audit every overseas Ballot and to work out ways to check if they're real or not. 

Note that in Philadelphia some of these overseas ballots -- for "Civilians who intend to return" -- are valid until a full week AFTER the election day. This is crazy. Why would they allow this to stop a final count for a full week after the election day? See below screenshot. 

This sort of nonsense used not to happen. It arose out of the mess of the 2020 Covid-influenced election.As Victor Davis Hanson says, the Republicans have to "emulate and master" this. It's too late to change the big mess of voting and Ballot handling "radical, revolutionary changes".  All to benefit of Democrats. See him talk it here

What's needed? Simple. As proposed by Vivek Ramaswamy.  Single day voting. A holiday on the day of voting. Paper only voting. Locked and secure Ballot boxes, which have a clear chain of custody. ID required. No early voting. Absentee voting much stricter that it is now. VDS above, notes that the European States continue to have paper only voting and to get results in one day. Which used to happen in America. 

But the Democrats have staunchly refused any such reform. They've in fact gone the other way, as in California which just passed a law to specifically NOT require ID. 

Prepare for the Big Steal.