Monday 31 December 2018

“Xi’s China is ignoring the US’ role in its rise to glory” (Part Deux)

ADDED: to my post immediately before this.  
To highlight Chi Wang's point summarised in this last paragraph below. 
And recalling that a mate of mine living in Beijing says that a Chinese meme is: "two people who have helped the reform of China: Deng Xiaoping and Donald Trump". 
Of course that also goes against the theme of Chi Wang's article, that China is forgetting Deng. 
Still, as Oscar Wilde said "do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I'm large. I contain contradictions". 
China did not rise on its own. It relied on the fair access to global markets that it now denies other countries. While I disagree that the US' import tariffs were the right course of action in addressing China's behaviour, the underlying concerns about China's unfair trade practices are legitimate and needed to be addressed. As the trade war between the US and China continues, it is more important than ever to recognise that economic prosperity does not occur in isolation. If the leadership instead chooses to continue to push away allies and pursues aggressive policies, China will surely learn this lesson the hard way.

Xi's China is ignoring the US' role in its rise to glory

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