Saturday 29 December 2018

“Germany’s Far Right Rebrands: Friendlier Face, Same Doctrine” | NYT

The headline to this New York Times article is misleading. It's specifically not the "same doctrine", as the article itself makes clear:

Liberals are furious when far-right extremists are normalized. But it is one of the wrinkles of the new right that their lifestyles are familiar and modern — and so are some of their ideas: They bemoan rising inequality and a consumerism bereft of moral meaning.
In fact, the only way they are of "the Right" is that they object to the islamisation of Germany. And if you know anything about Islam, if you observe the societies and economies of the 57 members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference — uniformly woeful on both counts — you too would be concerned. It's particularly galling to those that are worried that all this is a choice. It's a choice that was made by well meaning people on the Left. But well meaning or not, it's not working. More, it's dangerous. As even Mad Mutti Merkel has herself acknowledged, having  made the major blunder in 2015 of opening the door willy-nilly to anyone who turned up at the border. 

Yet to the New York Times, the single fact that these conservatives are worried about islamisation, makes them "Far Right".  And makes the German intelligence apparatus spend time monitoring them. Even though they apparently number only 500. Whereas the number of Muslims in Germany is nearly 5 million, around 20-30% of whom will harbour anti-western views [ref the Islam in Figures tab, above]. That is to say, anti-German anti liberal values. How much intelligence is spent on them, when to do so overtly will be labelled "islamophobiic"?

What this article says to me is that young Germans ought to feel free to be proud of their country and of German culture without being smeared as horrid racists and being monitored like terrorists. 

A far-right youth movement is part of a growing network of actors giving extremism a friendly face — and worrying intelligence officials.


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