Wednesday, 19 December 2018

A little gratitude wouldn’t go astray

East Asians: happy to get their Oz citizenship 
Australia's ABC just had a program reporting on the allegedly slow granting of citizenship to migrants.
One young fellow, from Afghanistan, was impatient but understanding. He wanted to get his citizenship so he could travel overseas -- on his new Aussie passport -- to learn more about his specialty in radiotherapy.
But another, head of something like the Migrants Council of Australia, was simply impatient and rude. He wondered if the delay was due to "racism, or something to do with religion".
I gotta say it: what a cheek.
His name is Mohammad which makes him from one of the world's 56 Islamic countries. Not that one would want to emigrate to any of them but if you did, dream on. It's not possible in any one.
Yet here is Mohammad moaning. Because it's taken over a year. A year!
Here in Hong Kong I have my Permanent Residence. Equivalent to Citizenship.
It took seven years. And proof that I had done something for Hong Kong.
My feeling was and remains one of gratitude. So I’m not expecting more of anyone than what I’ve done myself.
Yet Mohammad?  He’s just moaning and playing the victim.
Shame on him. And shame on Australia’s ABC for promoting this auto-flagellation.