Thursday, 10 January 2019

“Australians Have More Fun” | NYT

Bari Weiss is one of the saner voices at the Times
She opens her paean to Australia with:
SYDNEY, Australia — When Mark Twain steamed into Sydney's harbor in September 1895, journalists peppered him with questions before he had even stepped off the S.S. Warrimoo. "I am going to write a book on Australia," he proclaimed. "And I think I ought to start now. You always know so much more of a country when you have not seen it than when you have."

That's amusing. Mind you it's often true. Look at how Orwell got the Soviet Union right, from a distance, while many useful idiots who actually visited the place, proclaimed they had "seen the future". 
Weiss loved her visit to Oz and had a good time. On' yer Baz!