Monday 14 January 2019

De Blasio: New York’s Mao Tse-tung. Yes, he is!

This is a truly shocking statement from NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. Though I'm guessing it was an applause line for his audience.
It does rather remind me of Mao's attitude to landlords. For de Blasio it's people with money who are "wrong". For Mao the landlords were "exploiters". Never mind that Mao's own parents were landlords who had earned their small plots by years of hard graft.
No, to Mao and de Blasio alike the very holding of assets is "wrong" "exploitative " and must be redistributed. By "us" of course. Us being Bill and Mao. Or AOC. All Good socialists.
Oh Lord! Save us from socialists. No matter how well meaning.  AOC is just the most recent, youngest and prettiest incarnation of this sharp tilt to the Left.
"Here's the truth. Brothers and sis­ters, there's plenty of money in the world. There's plenty of money in this city. It's just in the wrong hands."
—New York City Mayor Bill de Bla­sio, State of the City address, Jan. 10, 2019
Amer­i­can pol­i­tics is in part an eter­nal bat­tle be­tween those who prize free­dom and those who de­mand equal­ity, be­tween the forces of in­come growth and those of in­come re­dis­tri­b­u­tion, and in 2019 the re­distrib­u­tors are on the march. For the purest dis­til­la­tion of the so­cialist im­pulse, look no fur­ther than Mayor de Bla­sio's state­ment of raw po­lit­i­cal pur­pose that we quote above from his an­nual ad­dress last week.