Monday 28 January 2019

Kamala Harris is African American?? No way, Hoe-zay!

Indian-American or South Asian-American. Just not African-American
Race is terribly important to Democrats. Until it isn't. 
Everything has to be diverse, has to  include all races, has to accept all genders. Our "lived experience as a [xx] person" defines who we are. 
Until it doesn't. 
Take pres-candidate Kamala Harris. 
She is part Indian: her mother was born in India. 
But all of a sudden the Dems are selling Harris as African American! 
Presumably because the African American community votes 90% Democrat. 
Surely this can't stand? 
I'd much rather the Martin Luther King formulation. That we judge people by the content of their character not by the colour of their skin. 
But it's the Left that's made the colour of your skin the definition of who you are. It's Dems wot dunnit. So it's fair game to call them out in this. 
That being so, get this: Kamala Harris is Indian-American.She is not African-American. 
The "lived experience" of the two groups are very different. Kamala would have no more idea of the challenges facing a young African American man than I do. 
She's whiter than me, for a start