Friday 18 June 2021

China U.S. relations | my letter to SCMP


There's been a deluge of “whataboutery” (aka tu quoque) in your pages recently.

  1. China is a predatory mercantilist, but  what-about the United States and its protectionist policies?
  2. China does steal IP, but what-about America's spy program?
  3. China arrests critics willy-nilly, but what-about American arrests of Huawei staff? 
Whataboutery is a simple and effective way to deflect criticism. You just yell: “you're a hypocrite!” 
A few points to rebut: 

1. Critique of the leader. If you hate Donald Trump you're free to say so, repeatedly and to hoots of baying derision. Try that with the leadership of China. Better yet: don't. 
2. Transparency. Buy shares in US companies and you have access to vast amounts of independent financial analysis online. Try the same about Chinese companies. Nothing. 

3. Hyphenated Chinese. You can be a Chinese-American in America. But you can't be an American-Chinese in China. Why not? Xenophobic racism. 
Let's not excuse China's blatant protectionism and racism on the altar of whataboutery. 

That would be hypocrisy. 
PF, etc....