Friday 18 June 2021

SCMP - Coronavirus: How news media and politics drive the lab leak theory

Shi Zhongli (aka “Batwoman”) welcomes lab-leak investigation …
178 days ago
With zero evidence for natural origin of the virus, Alex Lo goes all-in for it anyway. While the circumstantial evidences for the lab leak hypothesis builds up and gets trashed as "political". The political,was all in trying to suppress it since early 2020.
My comment at the site:

The two main hypotheses are: (A) natural origin (B) Lab leak. Evidence for either is only circumstantial as China has been unhelpful.

Additional (circumstanrial) evidence for hypothesis (A) since Dec 2019 = Zero. China has tested over 80,000 animals, none showing virus origin.

Additional (circumstantial) evidence for hypothesis (B) since 2019 keeps piling up. WIV doing GOF research on exactly this coronavirus; Lab Director Shi Zhongli rushing back to check if there's been a leak then hewing to the party line; first Covid infections were in hospitals along the subway line to-from the WIV.

There may be no *smoking* gun, but it sure smells strongly of cordite.

Had the Chinese not been so obstructive, perhaps the WHO investigatiin team might have had a closer look at theory (B), instead of going all-in on theory (A) with exactly Zero evidence, circumstantial or otherwise.

The "politics" was all in trying to *suppress* the lab leak hypothesis, which to date has not been falsified.

BT, I wonder if Lo even read the Wade article