Saturday 7 January 2023

“Praise for Marxism hits raw nerve” | SCMP

As it should. Marxism is horrid. When did I first come to this conclusion? In 1976 when I went to China and I learned how it had destroyed a country, a people, a culture. Marxism, via Maoism. Horrid, vicious, murderous. Mao said “to make an omelette you have to break some eggs”. We anti-Marxists respond “but where is the omelette?”. ADDED: Helen Dale “Why does anyone love Marxism?

What is interesting above is that the “broad masses of the Chinese people” are having none of it, and that our local media, at least our South China Morning Post is reporting it. They are open about it. Mocking the 1,400 (!) Marxist schools for being useless. 

“The experts are spending large sums studying how great the anti-pandemic spirit is” — Online comment.

“The anti-pandemic spirit” just another way of saying Marxism. IOW, useless. Useless in countering Covid. What you need for that is medicine. Western medicine, not TCM, by the way.