Sunday 17 February 2019

”A Witch-Hunt on Instagram” - Quillette (Sending Some Support)

Hi Karen,
I'm not a knitter, but I read the article in Quilette, and I just wanted to say: ignore those pathetic, chiding pecksniffers !
There was absolutely nothing wrong with your post. In fact, it was fun, and lovely, and thoughtful.
People who attacked you are the ones who have something wrong. Their own moral compasses are clearly broken, or wildly deviated. Otherwise they wouldn't attack someone so obviously warm-hearted and world-curious as yourself.
Many of the comments at Quillette are that the likes of that Alex Klein are sanctimonious virtue-signalling bullies. Yes.
The first comment at Quillette sums up my feelings about such petty minds: "tell them to fuck off"!
I live in Asia (various, including China, India, 40+ years), married to an Asian, and we don't have this sort of nonsense in these parts. Seems to be a US thing.
Anyway, hang in there. No more apologies!

Best wishes,
Pf, etc

PS: I got to the Quillette article via the David Thompson blog where you will find even more support for you. Have a look. Good, funny, smart commenters there. (

PPS: stick to your knitting !

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