Tuesday 12 February 2019

Public Education’s Dirty Secret - Quillette

Arbitrary pic: street scene village in Guizhou, China
Remember when Trump was excoriated for saying that people were dancing in the streets on 9/11?  Exultant at the destruction of the Twin Towers. Fact checkers gave that four Pinocchios. "Liar, liar, pants on fire".  
But it did happen, and in New York. 
Perhaps he'd heard this sort of thing, say via his adult children who had their own kids at schools and word would have got around. Then it's but a short step to a false memory that you actually saw it, or heard it, yourself.
I certainly remember seeing clips of people,dancing in the streets the Middle East, and thinking that I wouldn't have been surprised that people had done so in America as well. 
In one of her videos professor Janice Fiamenco tells of the open delight of some of her colleagues at the university of Otago. 
We watched in horror here in Hong Kong assuming everyone was as shocked and sad as we were. But no…
There's plenty of America haters out there. 
During first period on that awful day there was a horrendous split-second noise. A plane flew right overhead a mere moment before it blasted into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At break time word was spreading among the staff.  Both towers were hit and one had already come down. When I went to my next class I told the students what had happened. There was an eruption of rejoicing at the news. Many students clapped and whooped their approval, some getting out of their seats to do a sort of victory dance. It was an eye-opener, and indicative of what was to come.

A very disturbing article about the problems in American education