Bloomberg, Warren, Sanders, Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar |
Four oldies nearing 80, two youngsters. 4 men 2 women. All white. (Oh, except for Warren, 1/1024th Cherokee..).
Early on: Warren absolutely
bashes Bloomberg: over women, over stop and frisk, over being a billionaire.
[ADDED: Warren calls Bloomberg a “liar” and a “misogynist”. Then says she’d support him if he became the Dem candidate. Whaaaa…?]
A bit later, we learn from Bernie: both Mike and Bernie have two heart stents. (I have seven...). Bernie making the point that though their old, they’re fit.
all bashing Bloomberg for his wealth. He’s alternatively unapologetic and then apologetic. My early impression: Mike not doing well.
Amy and Pete have traded blows over her not remembering (knowing?) the president of Mexico. She accuses him (Pete, not the president) of calling her stupid. When not speaking she’s smiling widely. Every now and then her laugh, a loud Yuck Yuck..
Bernie burns. His usual finger waving passion.
Bloomberg a bit schoolmarmish
Joe is deer in he headlights. Bulging eyes. His last chance reflected. They’re not attacking him, I guess because they think he’s now irrelevant.
Warren is screechy. Like Joe.
Amy is amiable. I still like her.
Pete needs a shave. Goldman Sachs robot. Amy calls him "too perfect". True. But he bristles.
Far more fiery than any previous debate.
Tempus Fugit.
Pete says he’s the only non millionaire on the stage. True. His net worth is $100,000
Pete says Democrats don’t want a polarising candidate like Mike or Bernie.
Final say:
Amy does well, moderate applause
Mike talks management gets some claps
Pete talks belonging. Mild applause
Warren talks family, power to unions, good applause
Joe. Loud hecklers stop him in his tracks. [ADDED: they were yelling “you deported 3 million immigrants”]. Talks his experience. Guns. Rushing. Mild applause.
Bernie need to beat T. Healthcare. Wealth distribution. Bashes billionaires. Ok applause.
AFTER: CNN has a panel includes Andrew Yang! Great! [and gets
great reviews]. Van Jones says Bloomberg was a disaster.
CNN panel: Andrew Yang, Gloria Berger (CNN), Dana Bash (CNN), Chris Cuomo (CNN moderator), Van Jones (CNN) Jess McIntosh (ex Hillary aide), Terry MacAuliffe (ex DNC chair).
Andrew has good insights. No one talking Amy, save Van, the lone voice, who like me, liked Amy.
Agreed : a disaster for Bloomfield. Good for Warren. Ok for Biden. Great for Bernie.
Warren came out swinging, leaves Bloomberg battered. CNBC
The Awesome
Bloomberg disaster Twitter
ADDED, 21 February:
It’s unanimous: a horrible night for Bloomberg.
Alliteration Award for best chyron:
Divided Dems in Disarray on Debate Disaster