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X-axis: amount of Vitamin D3 in the blood Y-axis: death rate index. Click to enlarge A correlation, but TBF, eyeballing, looks weak |
I got to this via the video by Dr John Campbell. He posted on 18 November, after which views of the MDPI paper shot up. His vid is viewed 1.3 million times. Up to his time of posting, the MDPI article had had virtually no views; ignored, iow. Now getting some traction but should have had a lot more.
As Dr John says it would be very easy for the government (eg, NHS in UK or CDC/AIH in US) to do an observational study of the effects of vitamin D3 on Covid, to confirm these findings. He finds it inexplicable why we haven’t yet done so.
I recall that one of the doctors who was quoted in a BBC article debunking Ivermectin said those pushing Ivermectin should be tried for “crimes against humanity”(!) He added in a later tweet “also those pushing vitamin D”. (ADDED: Video debunking the BBC article). Yet the above MDPI academic article shows, and provides an easily-testable hypothesis, that deaths due to Covid decline with higher levels of vitamin D3 in the blood. In this case correlation really is causation, as the authors show. The BBC has done nothing in follow up or to distance themselves from a truly horrid point of view, intolerant, wrong (probably) and harmful. If the shoe were on the other foot there would be cries of “your denial of science is killing people”. Shame. (Btw, the Ivermectin debate [is it useful or is it useless] is far from settled).
ADDED: Snip from the MDPI paper’s Conclusion (my emphases):