Tuesday 28 November 2023

Deceitful Divisive Doonesbury


It’s propaganda not humour

Attacks Republicans and people with concerns about vaccine mandates (who G. Trudeau would no doubt call “anti-vaxxers”).

The study quoted (an academic study! In cartoon!) has been shown to be wrong, by Vinay Prasad an epidemiologist and bio-statistician. The error is the “fallacy of range”. Using the same data one could show that Democrats have lagged Republicans in Covid vax uptake. Further, there were confounding factors not accounted for in the study.

Hence the Deceitfulness. 

Who does Trudeau think he’s influencing? Only his own followers who are overwhelmingly on the Left of the Democratic Party. Who will only be further entrenched in their certainty that all Republicans are rubes. 

Hence the Divisiveness.

Does this help anyone? No.