Thursday 2 November 2023

How To Think About the Death of Innocents in War | Onkar Ghate and Elan Journo

Yeah, ok, so it’s the Ayn Rand Institute. 

But they do get to the nub of the issue. Onkar Ghate and Elan Journo discuss how to think about civilian casualties in war.

A thought: In WW2, the UK had 70,000 civilian deaths. Germany had 500,000 civilian deaths. Was UK a “war criminal” because of disproportion? 

Another thought: Israel is the only country that people attack, ceaselessly, for “war crimes”. Despite the IDF, by all measures, taking the most care that it can. In keeping with all “international law” on the prosecution of War. And they’re at war. Yet constantly attacked. 

And: we’re learning that the Hamas tunnels are fully kitted out. Food, Fuel, Water, Ammo, it’s all there. Just not with the people they’re supposed to be representing, the average Gazan.

And: a ceasefire will only help Hamas. Imagine: you attack your hated enemy and as soon as they counter attack, the world calls for a ceasefire. And if Israel does that, Hamas gets away scot free and gets to rearm for the next atrocity. The idea of War is to WIN. 

And: why are the demonstrators around the world not calling for Hamas to surrender? Or at least to give back the hostages? Itself a war crime for which they’re not challenged. Hypocrisy.