Sunday 19 November 2023

“Do not try to rewrite past and ignore the brutality of Hamas” | Amir Lati

This above is clear and correct history. 

Sadly not cutting much ice in the bulk of western media. For which a Hamas massacre must be met with: “ceasefire now!”

A key point made by Amir Lati above: Gaza had an airport between 1998 and 2001, when it was closed down due to the second Intifada. That is, because of Hamas. 

There was a plan to build a seaport and a new airport, after Israel handed Gaza back to the Palestinian Authority in 2005. Again that was sabotaged because Hamas decided in 2007 that shooting missiles at Israeli citizens was more important than making Gaza’s better off. 

That’s relevant because one of the criticisms of Gaza -- always blamed on Israel -- is that it’s an “open-air prison”. Well, to the extent it’s true (which is, not really), it’s down to Hamas. Directly and clearly. 

PS: I’m glad they ran this article in the South China Morning Post, which for the most part is very pro-Palestinian to the point of Hamas apologia.