Saturday 11 November 2023

Who is it that’s committing genocide?

“Israel is an genocidal state”. You hear the Hamas luvvies yell, as they chant their way around western cities. “Free Palestine!”. “Palestine shall be free from the River to the Sea!”. And “Gas the Jews”, shamefully in my country Australia, and so on... 

You know who are the real genocidal countries? The ones above. All Muslim Arab countries. 

For every 100 Jews that used to live in these countries in 1948, there is now fewer than one. That’s because of policies to drive them out. 

If the counter to that is “well it only started after the Jews committed Nakba against the Palestinians”, the counter-counter is: No. Muslims killing and expelling Jews started way back in the 7th century in the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia, where the Jews had lived in tribes for millennia, at peace with the pagan tribes, until the misfortune of an Arab trader called Mohammad, who had hallucinations that the Angel Garbriel, in a cave, told him a plagiarised version of Judaism mixed with a tortured version of Christianity, to create the “Religion of Peace”, and he drove the Jews out, because they laughed at him. Even then, the stand-ups of the day. (This is a Christopher Hitchens take, that I agree with. It fits in with all the anger you see Mohammad spew, when he talks of Jews, and gets so upset that they didn’t accept his message, and instead “mocked him”, for which read: they had a good laugh. For that he never forgave them).

And then in the Islamic conquests that followed, Jews were driven out of every country they’d settled in. So, no, it’s not just a revenge for the Nakba that Jews were kicked out, killed and expelled from every single Muslim country in the world. And yet, somehow, it’s "common wisdom" that it’s Israel that’s the “genocide country”.