Tuesday 17 September 2024

“Am I Racist?” movie Breaks the Woke, Breaks the Box office

Click above for the video
This is now number 3 in U.S. Box office takings. Which is amazing because:

1. It’s a documentary and docos don’t normally do well in theatrical releases. 

2. It’s a documentary by a known conservative podcaster, Matt Walsh

3. It’s had only limited marketing, limited screens and limited budget ($US 3 million). 

Still, it’s receiving rave reviews on the socials, and 99% on Rotten Tomatoes from the people who’ve seen it. 

The socials say that it’s not overtly political, just shows up the grift of the race hustlers, and makes fun of them. It’s very funny, the funniest film of the year, according to many.

Meantime, the Left has gone insane over this movie as Derek Anderson shows in the above video. If I have time I’ll link to some other YouTube reviews, but if I don’t it’s easy to find them, and they’re all positive. 

So, if you’re in the US, do go along and see it.  

Some YT reviews of “Am I Racist?”, the movie by Matt Walsh 

And now we have an Occasional Reader in the US who's seen the movie and says: 
Good evening and freshly back from the movies. Great entertainment in sharp focus. It lays bare the incredibly contorted logic of white guilt and systemic racism. 10 out of 10 and a must see. Regards from your friends of color ...