Friday 27 September 2024

What’s going on with the West calling for a ceasefire against Hezbollah?

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Good stuff from Caroline Glick. As usual. She much qualified. In IDF. Embedded war reporter. Connected in U.S. and Israel. 

Exulting, as do we all who care for the moral, the correct, the decent side winning. The civilised side vs the barbaric side. For the other side of this coin just turn on your CNN, BBC, ABC…. This here is the pro Israel side. With facts and figures. 

We exult. For the destruction of Hezbollah. So many are tough Jewish women. Like Caroline, above. The Quad. 

While the United Nations comes out again as sleazy and useless. Supposed to implement UNGA Resolution 1701, bit failed. And now claiming immunity for its UNRWA workers who took part in the October 7 massacres. Shame and scandal.

Couple of points from Caroline:

  • Hezbollah is best seen as the forward position of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iran funds, trains and arms them. It’s Iran in southern Lebanon.
  • Hezbollah/ Iran have no interest in a state, or the two-state solution or any swap of land for peace. As for Hamas, their single, clear, oft-repeated aim is the destruction of Israel and killing of all Jews. 
  • The IDF has a huge tactical advantage against Hezbollah and has destroyed a lot of its rockets and infrastructure. 
  • Just as Israel is gaining a winning advantage the West and some Arab states are calling on it to ceasefire. Alsmot as if they want Iran’s proxies to survive and Iran to remain strong. Hmmm….
  • In addition to killing and wounding thousands of Hezbollah operatives with Beep, Beep, Boom, the IDF has killed a huge chunk of Hezbollah’s leadership. Looking pretty lonely at the top there for ol’ Hassan:


Beepers, Bombs and the Blame Game. The Quad

On the issue of “Settler Colonialism”. Adam Kirsch 

Inflicting blows on Hezbollah they never imagined. David Mencer 

Netanyahu rejects calls for ceasefire 

It’s Israel war crimes!  A view from the “other side” w/ Piers Morgan