Thursday 12 September 2024

Kamala exceeded expectations | Elon Musk

Elon Musk agrees with me!

Trump lost the debate because Kamala did better than everyone thought. She also needled him successfully: he stupidly took the bait.

OTOH: If he got out the message that Kamala is against fracking, that could tip Pennsylvania his way, which would win him the election. 

That would mean he lost the debate but won the election. Hmmm....

Meantime on the Right it's all out Cope. As in the main story is how biased abc moderators were. Which they were. But a more nimble debater would have dealt with it. I can think of any number who would have done better than Trump. 

Still true, as Elon says, that Trump would do a better job. On the economy, on the border, on crime, on foreign policy. On all of these, Kamala says “my values have not changed” and those values are very far to the Left, or at best just follow Biden’s. Which the majority of the American populace, and me myself I, think have been horrid.