Sunday 8 September 2024

“Egregious, scary, dictatorial”: ‘Quiet Skies’ program targets Tulsi Gabbard

Click above for the video 
Tulsi Gabbard, veteran of Iraq war, Democrat Congresswoman, Democrat presidential candidate, now followed by drug dogs and Air Marshalls whenever she flies, harassed because she criticised the neocons and the military industrial complex. 

Shocking story you won’t see on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, BBC, or anywhere worse in the mainstream media. Because they jus t love thst perceived political opponents can now be labelled terrorist threats. This is crazy stuff.

Matt Taibbi and Robbie Soave call it out, above. Also here

Tulsi talks about “where the real power lies” in running government. For this alone they’d be after her. Those people she identifies.