Monday 2 September 2024

Tesla: how they build a new car every 13 seconds

Click above for the video
Above: Just one of... what?... a dozen reasons or so, why Elon Musk is the outstanding entrepreneur of the last century. He is today's Leonardo da Vinci. Of the factory floor, at least. And also, I could easily argue, of the easel: his designs of Tesla cars, of SpaceX, of its spacesuits. The door handle of his cars. 

Musk-haters love to point out when there's some change or delay to things that he's doing. People like the egregious Stephen King, mocking a SpaceX explosion. But that's always because Musk got so much going on at all his companies, trying so many different innovations that he has to change course from time to time. 

The above is about his cars, the technology company Tesla. There's also what's being done with his Starlink via SpaceX.  Helping the world. 

But haters gonna hate.